Monday, May 30, 2016

30 May 2016

Laird Hamilton doesn't use sunscreen, claiming that if one were to read the ingredients list, it would sound like a chemistry lab (or a package of whole wheat bread).  I keep my sunscreen use to a minimum, aiming instead to eat gobs of coconut oil and healthy fats.  A week ago I did get sunburned at the beach, which is why my arms and upper back appear to be dandelions spreading their seeds.   To counter the sunburn headache/flu symptoms, I try to ingest NSAIDs (tons of them, because I hate my liver and stomach), more vitamin D, coconut oil and seltzer mixed with lemon juice.  Yesterday we went to St. Andrews State Park, but did not get the early morning sun, so my tan is going strong.  Now I just need to switch to wearing quick-dry speedo-style swim suits so I can even out my tan  on my hairy and white thighs.

Made it to the gym today and am feeling it in my knees.  Squatting is challenging, but I am making slow progress since October.  Thanks to, I reprogrammed my workouts to align with Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength 3x5.  My running is coming back via a step-wise program that started with a 5:00 walk/1:00 jog for 5 rounds and worked up to the inverse, so last week I was walking for 1:00 and jogging for five.  Next up is jogging for a slow pace continuously for 15 minutes.

On a more technical and geeky note, I updated my Dell Inspiron to Lubuntu 16.04, so now my trackpad mouse cursor hides every so often.  I upgraded my ancient Asus Eee PC from Ubuntu 14.04 to 15.10 to 16.04 and then felt like it couldn't run Unity.  So I tried various desktops, but wanted to give it a full reinstall.  Now I am dealing with a failed init file and trying to reinstall the operating system for the umpteenth time, while searching "lubuntu won't boot because of..." in Chromium.

Monday, May 23, 2016

23 May 2016

I set fire to the microwave.  Well, in the microwave.  But it's only because I didn't realize my almond butter jar had the tiniest bit of aluminum foil on it and I wanted to make the almond butter easier to mix with my coconut flakes.  Lesson: just eat almond butter sans heat.

A friend asked me today if I was "following my old diet."  Yes, I'm still making delicious meals of meat, eggs, cheese and pork rinds, with some green veggies thrown in for good luck.  I replied with some ideas for snacks, a list of other recipes and a shopping list that included a crock pot, casserole pan and a .38 special (optional, but recommended).  Here are some good snacks to have on hand:

  • macadamia nuts
  • almond butter
  • pork rinds
  • cans of tuna/salmon/sardines
  • Cheese!
  • Coconut oil
  • sugar and the bubbles give you the feeling of soda

Here are some meals we just made in the last week or so:

Basically if you mix up cook ground meat with cheese, tomato sauce, some spices and bake it, you are good to go.

I've also increased my coffee intake from one 16oz thermos mug to 40oz or so a day.  If caffeine is an appetite suppressant, then there's no strings on me.  

Sunday, May 15, 2016

15 May 2016

Two coworkers have been striving for a keto diet the last few months and weeks, respectively, and I've been playing in the discussion but not really achieving low carb.  I've been thinking low carb, but eating homemade french fries and Cliff/Kind/Lara bars.  So...Friday I started tracking just what I was eating and this weekend saw me writing everything down in my notebook.  According to this calculator, I should be eating the following:

2334kcal Daily Calorie Intake
25g Carbs (4%, 100 kcal)
148g Protein (25%, 592 kcal)
182g Fat (71%, 1642 kcal)
Well I've been eating too much!  Yesterday I ate around 170g of protein and over 200g of fat (carbs were around 30g).  This morning I course-corrected and ate a cheeseburger patty, 3 slices of bacon, 3 eggs over hard with extra butter, with coffee of course.  Lunch was tuna salad made from one can of tuna, one can of sardines, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 tsp of mustard, dill and salt.  This was on top of lettuce with some sliced almonds on top.  Dinner will be spare ribs with boiled broccoli and lots of butter.  Thankfully I eat the spareribs fat and connective tissue so that should be some good collagen.  Apparently American Chinese cuisine spareribs are different from real Chinese cuisine spareribs.  Now I want dim sum.

Weekends there's a guy who gives free pontoon boat rides out to the closest island (not this island).  So we spent the afternoon getting Vitamin D, flying a kite and getting sand in our nooks and crannies.  Time to shower and think about What Would Jon Snow Do?

Monday, May 9, 2016

9 May 2016

Hopefully you survived another Mother's Day.  I called my mom and mother-in-law, but didn't really get them anything.  My wife got sleep-in time, Indian food for lunch and she did not have to do any laundry yesterday.  There is a massage appointment in her future, since the therapist hates late people and left once she was 9 minutes late.  Pleh.

Somebody gave me pink eye, so I'm waiting to see the optometrist.  I think this means I'll be off work for a while wearing mittens so I don't scratch myself, drinking chicken soup and standing on one leg.  So this means I am rehabbing my right leg muscles, left forearm muscles, sinus/cold whatever and now my eye.  Someone wise told me it sucks getting old, but it beats the alternative.

Our library yesterday had a few piles of free comics, of which I took one Civil War and one Captain America and my son found a Pokemon and Pink Panther.  Thank you whoever created this phenomenon.

Watched GoT 6.02 yesterday and was surprised to see Rickon and his wilding captor.  Obviously wanted to see more of the Tower of Joy scene, but at least we saw Howland Reed in action.  I'll contemplate this more as my left eye crusts over itself.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

1 May 2016

Happy May Day!  I was taught this means dancing around a phallus, but maybe it means dancing around the tree of the world, vis-a-vis Yggdrasil.

Odin sacrificed himself upon Yggdrasil and was reborn.  Segue to Jon Snow's apparent rebirth tonight.  If we can find Howland Reed, maybe we can find the truth of what happened at the tower of joy.