Monday, May 9, 2016

9 May 2016

Hopefully you survived another Mother's Day.  I called my mom and mother-in-law, but didn't really get them anything.  My wife got sleep-in time, Indian food for lunch and she did not have to do any laundry yesterday.  There is a massage appointment in her future, since the therapist hates late people and left once she was 9 minutes late.  Pleh.

Somebody gave me pink eye, so I'm waiting to see the optometrist.  I think this means I'll be off work for a while wearing mittens so I don't scratch myself, drinking chicken soup and standing on one leg.  So this means I am rehabbing my right leg muscles, left forearm muscles, sinus/cold whatever and now my eye.  Someone wise told me it sucks getting old, but it beats the alternative.

Our library yesterday had a few piles of free comics, of which I took one Civil War and one Captain America and my son found a Pokemon and Pink Panther.  Thank you whoever created this phenomenon.

Watched GoT 6.02 yesterday and was surprised to see Rickon and his wilding captor.  Obviously wanted to see more of the Tower of Joy scene, but at least we saw Howland Reed in action.  I'll contemplate this more as my left eye crusts over itself.

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