Monday, April 11, 2016

11 April 2016

Just a short post to continue thinking about souls and minds.

While driving around town, I sometimes listen to Ira Glass tell me stories about This American Life. Who kinda looks like Lord Littlefinger aka Petyr Baelish aka that guy in Dark Knight Rises.

Today I listened to "For Your Reconsideration" where they discussed changing peoples minds (in regards to voting) not by showing them facts, but by appealing to their emotions.  We often want to say "HERE ARE FACTS YOU IDJIT!!  CHANGE!"  but that makes people dig in more.

What actually works is something akin to massaging the subject's amygdala to get them to feel differently about the subject (abortion, transgender individuals, deflategate, etc.).  The Heath brothers spelled this out in their book Switch.  Sinek gets into this in Start with Why (look at those glasses...) and it's what we strive for in parenting (connect the prefrontal cortex with the lizard brain so it shuts up).  

To sum up, we are meat suits controlled by cortisol, endorphins, testosterone, etc.

Back to souls...Supernatural had one of their best episodes in a looooooooooooong time on last week that we got to finally watch tonight.  It had Bobby, Rufus, that motel room, a Soul Eater and time travel!  Sam and Dean didn't complain about one or the other sacrificing themselves (or not) or each other to something, someone or some cause, and they did what they do best: hunt creepy things and save some civilians.  The back and forth between the past and the present was great and the sigil was new and not "pre-Enochian."

Phew, now I want to go get some free swingin' flannel.

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