Due to an impending travel deadline, I finally completed the car tool kit for my wife's van. If you are thinking, "Oh, he's not home, I'll go rob him!" here's my address:
Tim Taylor
c/o Tool Time
P.O. Box 32733
Detroit, MI 48252
Anyway, I got the oil changed on the van and they mustachioed expert who changed my oil showed me how worn my front tires were and explained how they needed to be replaced. After much calling around to Firestone and elsewhere, I settled on Walmart's $63.00 tires with no road hazard, which, according to my kids papa is, "...another they're trying to suck money out of you..." which is what I feared. While waiting around at Walmart, I amassed $87 worth of items that I hope to never use in the event of an emergency.
Lifehacker and
Allstate helped me with some ideas before I purchased these items at Wally World.
Items before going in the bag for the van:
In case of car problem:
- Reflectors
- Jumper cables
- Roadside flares
- Rubber cement
- Cheap toolkit
- Gloves
- Multiple Flashlights with extra batteries
- Paracord (50 feet)
- Zip ties, large and small
- Rags
- Cheap Multitool
In case of human problem:
- First aid kit, with extra Neosporin
- Emergency blanket
- Notebook with pen
- Rags, to mask the blood
- Trash bags/ziploc bags for any pieces that need to be kept on ice
And it fit in the bag and the car!
Today I finished the kit for my car and added some small hand tools.
Car problems
- Duct tape
- Masking tape
- Cleaning wipes
- Bungee cords
- Multiple screwdrivers
- Knife, el-cheapo
- Needle nose pliers
- Diagonal cutters
- Multiple flashlights
- Rubber cement
- Roadside flares
Human problem
- First aid kit, extra antibiotic
- Sunglasses
- Emergency blanket
- Baby wipes
- Rags
- Compass
- Umbrella
- Allergy medication
- R2-D2 tin
It's kinda hard to see, but I added a small
P-38 (nah, this
one) on a clip on the bag, not in case of Messerschmitt attack, but in case of canned food. Now I just need that case of corned beef hash I've been meaning to get...