What if you forget to put your phone on airplane mode before you take off and leave the location settings on? Will Google ask you to rate the fluffiness of the cirronimbostratus clouds you flew through? Is there a Elon Musk owned 4G LTE cell tower 130km above the surface of the earth that would offer free WiFi?
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
Squatting, Jumping and Standing
Back in my Starting Strength routine after a bearded three week hiatus. Standing at both my work desk and home office desk. Can't get more than three double unders in a row. Lots of crunching happening in right knee.
In my head, Oh Cecilia by Simon and Garfunkel.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Ways to Save Money around the House
SWMBO mentioned a few weeks ago about someone who knows somebody else who retired early and it made me think about ERE and MMM. So I bought Fisker's book on Amazon Kindle and have been reading more posts of (finally found out his name!) Mr. Peter Adeney.
Here are some ways that can save money around anyone's home:
- Shower: don't use much if any soap.
- Shave: Switch to a safety razor and save hundreds a year on blades.
- Deodorant: Most deodorants list ingredients like a Chemistry 101 course. Make your own out of coconut oil, baking soda and lavender oil.
- Coffee: Don't go to Starbucks. Buy a French Press, stove-top espresso pot or drip pot and a big Thermos to cart around your own. Use the psychology of "I already have one of those at home." to not buy one in the drive thru.
- Not Eating: Try intermittent fasting. It's surprisingly simple to skip breakfast.
- Eating: Make casseroles (yes, even men can bake casseroles) to have a huge batch of meals for a week at a time. Make a meal plan.
- Computers: Switch to Linux instead of Windows. Applications are free and so is the OS.
- Movies: Back up your DVDs with Handbrake.
- Cars: Buy used and drive to they have undercarriage rust, no A/C and felt hanging down from the ceiling. My last vehicle was a Dodge Dakota with around 117,000 miles on it that we sold for cash to buy a Toyota Prius. Quadrupled my gas mileage.
- Auto service: Find a local mechanic who charges less than the dealership or do the repairs yourself. There is a hobby shop I go to and only have to pay for shop hours.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
IKEA standing desk
Monday, August 8, 2016
08 August 2016
IKEA hacking is great, except when you don't measure your existing table or don't have the style of computer in the standing desk example you find online. Taking kids into IKEA without a strictly defined plan is tantamount to disaster.
To find the balance between (among?) Home Depot HDX shelves, Harbor Freight tool chests and IKEA DIY garage remodeling, I plan to next fins some pallets to make another workbench.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
07 August 2016
Circadian rhythms are all messed up, with magnesium, zinc and melatonin battling for primacy. I have a collection of cheap hotel soaps and shampoos that I plan to donate to the clean the world project. I couldn't find a new Mach 3 handle so acquired three disposal Mach 3 systems, meaning they don't have the blade release button, forcing me to give more money to Gillette. Steaming robust coffee sits with a blue mustache.
Friday, August 5, 2016
05 August 2016
The Frey family started the Turkey Hill mega-corporation that has been producing ice cream, milk, iced tea and other treats for eighty five years. They also had a cider mill, but I believe their inherent Mennonite Christianity wouldn't let them start a brewery conglomerate.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
03 August 2016
Happy to see such a wide selection of hard ciders at my hometown beer store, some cases of which were over seventy dollars.
Monday, August 1, 2016
Sunday, July 31, 2016
31 July 2016
Elementary had two interesting references in episodes one and two. One showed a hardcover of On Security by Bruce Schneier, which is his blog not a book. On episode two, Holmes referenced this study from Belgium.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
30 July 2015
Watched the first episode of AMC's "Preacher" tonight and spent several minutes pausing the show to explain just what was happening, which went like this (spoiler alert):
"Jesse Custer was a hitman-ish, now a preacher and is supposed to get the half-angel/half-demon spawn named Genesis inside him, so he, his gun-toting girlfriend Tulip O'Hare and his new friend Cassidy, an Irish vampire, can take on the international fundamental organization that is bent on harnessing the power of God to be used by the biological descendant of Jesus Christ, for their nefarious purposes."
You don't really get that from the first episode, so I may be buying some back issues of Ennis and Dillon from circa 1992.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
27 July 2016
I succeeded in packing a carry-on backpack with a leather black briefcase I bought twelve years ago as my personal item. I packed no knives, hatchets, chainsaws or liquids, excluding a small container of homemade deodorant.
Finished reading Little Brother and started on Mr. Doctorow's Information Doesn't Want to Be Free (certainly a riff on that Queen song popularized by Coke Zero advertisements). Next up is Jim Butcher's Summer Knight as I'm entrenched in the Dresdenverse now.
Monday, July 25, 2016
25 July 2016
Do I need a 5.11 Tactical Hazardous Materials Manly Masculine Musculature (Hmmmm?) bag? No, but reading blogs about what tools I carry in my bugout, EDC or 72 hour bag makes me feel masculine and organized. Buying these expensive bags would be purchasing feelings. So instead I bought a small black flashlight at Wal-Mart for $3.97.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
24 July 2016
Was able to fast today for roughly twenty hours as I didn't eat any meal until about five post meridiem. Thank goodness for my daily forty ounces of coffee.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
23 July 2016
I checked out of one hotel due to air conditioning problems, checked into another hotel and then found out that my stained and bacteria encrusted Mach 3 razor handle from a previous millennium had been left behind. The hotel was kind enough to let me inspect the room, but the maids already threw out the razor, my blood stained towels and my fishing pole. Oh well. I was able to butcher my face with a disposable one-bladed Bic yesterday and tomorrow night I'll use my safety razor for a smooth shave.
On my drive from Florida to Alabama last week, I listened to four of the Longform podcasts: episodes 141 (Stephen J. Dubner aka half of Freakanomics), 153 (Tim Ferriss aka the Four Hour everything), 159 (Ira Glass aka Mr. This American Life) and 164 (Lena Dunham of HBO's Girls fame). I found the first three fascinating and Lena Dunham boring. Stephen Dubner talked about writing and working with the other Steven on their books. Tim Ferriss is a very interesting person, but I keep reverting to "Yeah, we'll he's single, no kids, worked his ass off and then sold his business! Of course he travels the world and does all kinds of cool stuff!" Ira Glass talked about the beginning of working for NPR and what he almost called his show instead of TAL. Lena Dunham just seems too young for me and haughty. I've only seen the first episode of Girls so I'll have to give it another shot.
I used the Stitcher app on my phone to listen to more recent episodes on my phone and enjoyed the Jack Hitt, Kathryn Schulz and Frank Rich episodes. Many of the Longform interviewees are writers, so now I need to go read Mr. Hitt's "Fiasco", finally read "The Really Big One" on the New Yorker (about the impending earthquake that will impact Washington, Oregon and California) and go watch Veep on HBO. Since I have to watch, read or listen to media in numerical order, I started over today with episode 1 and got through episode 4. If you really want to listen to them I figure by now you can navigate to the moving picture experts group layer three file or use an app. If you have an iPhone, there is a Longform app for it, but apparently none for Android.
Friday, July 22, 2016
22 July 2016
...Colorado's state flag.
This is Captain Marvel (used to be Shazam...)...or it is Shazam again...
I used to just wear T-shirts like this one:
Thursday, July 21, 2016
21 July 2016
Earlier in the evening, I made a half-hearted attempt to notify my coworkers of the event, but it was while everyone was leaving to go home and no one paid me any mind.
Here's what I learned:
- I was the only one at the bar who knew that the Marshall Tucker Band sang "Heard it in a Love Song"
- The Kings sang "You Really Got Me" in 1964
- Dollar Tree recently bought Family Dollar
- Oxygen (atomic number 8) is the first single vowel element in the periodic table
- Michael Faraday's electromagnetic research led to the principle of induction and cages to contain radio frequency wave propagation
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
20 July 2016
- Erasmus
I love going to local used book stores. Many of the ones I've seen in the past few years have a special shelf or table of local authors, which most of the time I don't really care about. Occasionally I'll find a gem, like last week when I found a used paperback copy of The Martian for eight bucks. I read it in two days. Thrift stores are great, too, and I started my first Cory Doctorow book, Little Brother, a few days ago, which I picked up for twenty five cents at a local thrift store. I think the book is (hopefully) farfetched insofar as what the DHS would do to some kids who like to subvert weakly secured operating systems and play video games. The book does make me think about encryption for personal use and rebuying Bunnie Huang's book, Hacking the Xbox. The only encryption I use on a daily basis is https, Lastpass and Crashplan. The other great thing about Mr. Doctorow is his website on which he gives many of his books away for free. That, combined with Calibre, enabled me to get a .mobi version of his book onto my Kindle.
Get reading and stop using a spreadsheet for your passwords.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
19 July 2016
Much thanks to wget, dd and the F2 key for helping me get a graphical version of Lubuntu back up and running yesterday. I did a few Google searches, spent $7 on a USB stick and was able to get my netbook from 2010 from a command line only environment to a GUI again, which makes blogging a lot easier. Stuck with Lubuntu 14.04 32-bit this time since i love old hardware.
Now I am trying to integrate LastPass's password generator with Ubuntu's Launcpad "forgot my password from six years ago" and see if I can figure out the GnuPrivacy Guard functions.
Monday, July 18, 2016
18 July 2016
- That guy you know who fixed his computer that one time
Don't know why I didn't think of it till today, but I bought a seven dollar USB drive and am downloading the latest Lubuntu LTS ISO via wget. All I need to do now is wait for the file to download, use dd to burn it to my flash drive and then fix my install. The real solution will be probably be "reinstall OS" which I'm okay with.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
17 July 2016
Woke up today abruptly to the sun shining in my window telling me not to be lazy and get out of bed. Finished binge-reading The Martian, this time in print which took me roughly twenty four hours, versus the year it took me to not finish the dot mobi version. Washed my two loads of laundry while I read and then walked over to the sauna that was the gym today. Decided to do my complete workout today and took my damn too. Thankfully I was able to borrow some hand chalk from a deadlifting beast si the bar didn't slip out of my hands while power cleaning. Now I am sipping fair trade, sustainable coffee in an un-air conditioned cafe while beads of sweat paint the floor. Housemade focaccia is delicious.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
16 July 2016
With a netbook that isn't letting me use a GUI (error starting Light desktop manager), I've been learning about how to use the command line to attempt to recover my system. Which means I've been searching the internets for such key phrases as "recover Ubuntu system without that USB live key I so desperately need" and "restore system state to a few nights ago when things worked and before I installed a bunch of applications i don't need" and "enable wifi command line nmcli wlan0 oh god why won't this thing work."
Some of the commands I've had the misfortune to use include:
- dpkg
- nmcli
- apt-get autoremove
- apt-get purge
- grep
- cat
Needless to say, best I can do is get to a command line after wandering through the recovery console. So, I thought why not try to email or blog directly from the command line? Turns out both are more complicated than for which I have patience. which lead me to installing a full version of vim and then staring at the screen thinking, "This is no DOS edit.exe.". So I installed nano, edited the nanorc configuration file to wrap and chowned the nano history folder from root back to myself.
Now I just need to think of something worth typing.
Friday, July 15, 2016
15 July 2016
"Calm is the best revenge."
- Bangambiki Habyarimana
A fried asked me for sage advice today and here's what i told him.
- Take free education as soon as you can.
- Invest as much as you can in a 401k
- Start a Roth IRA for you and your wife
- Learn as much about your job as you can
- Research starting strength by Rippetoe
- Don't eat bread
- Improve systems, processes and people
- Never get less than 12 hours of sleep a night
- Never play cards with a man who has the first name of a city
- Never get involved as woman who has a tattoo of a dagger
Thursday, July 14, 2016
14 July 2016
"You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients."
- Julia Child
Get a skillet or frying pan and set it on the stove top to medium heat. Add two tablespoons of oil (coconut, lard , bacon grease or tallow is best). Dice an onion while the oil heats. Put half of the onion in the pan and save the other half for the next meal. Slice some mushrooms (I like crimini, but normally the moat interesting i can find are baby bellas) and put them in the pan after the onions have softened.
While that is simmering, put some tomato sauce in a pot on medium low heat. Ideally, you would start with fresh tomatoes, garlic, oregano and basil, but a jar often must suffice. A midway solution would be a can of diced tomatoes with a tablespoon of tomato paste, mixed with some butter. Either way...add some brown mustard to the onion pan and stir that. Add oil as necessary so the bits don't burn. Add some heavy cream to the tomato sauce and stir.
Take a pack of chicken sausages (I use Aidells) and slice into rings. Add these to the onion pan and throw a list on it, to heat for four or five minutes. Mix the tomato sauce into the skillet and serve.
Julia Child wasn't always a chef.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
13 July 2016
"My theory is 98 percent of all human endeavor is killing time."
- Jerry Seinfeld
If you haven't seen Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, you should start. It's on line and can be streamed via the Crackle app on Roku devices.
His quote makes me think of Tony Soprano not caring about the end of Seven, because what does it matter to his life in Waste Management?
Killed time this evening by squatting 205lbs, pressing 155, cleaning 145 and doing some weighted chinups. Found a more focused work out location, more barbell-zen, so I will be going back.
Embrace your boredom when you can afford it.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
12 July 2016
I'm in a hotel room and Pretty Woman is on. The plot doesn't make sense. Take a gander here.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
11 July 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016
9 July 2016
No gym visit today as I'll restart on my Starting Strength 3x5 routine on Monday. I am please to have substituted power cleans for Pendlay Rows and am only doing one set of deadlifts rather than three.
Friday, July 8, 2016
8 July 2016
Anyway, books and lists of books. I've added a widget that shows the books I'm reading (assuming I've updated my Goodreads account recently...) and played with the layout to make it darker, like coffee and my Ikea desk at home. If you want to add widget to your blog, specifically Goodreads stuff, check out this useful fella.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
7 July 2016
For more Juno...xkcd...
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Jupiter and Juno (on the left) |
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
6 July 2016
I reread this article about wasting time and clouding your own perception about working out, and found this calculator that talks about methodically progressing on a strength program.
If you really want to spend half a day thinking about barbells, read this post.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
5 July 2016
This year I submitted my taxes electronically with H&R Block and then made an amendment about a month later. Apparently, if one does not click the right link, one could edit the original taxes and somehow merge that 1040 into a 1040-X. The IRS did not figure this out, but they did calmly ignore my amendment and never tell me anything. H&R Block customer service chatted with me this afternoon for almost an hour and gave me a free code to use their software again to right the situation. Thank you Eliza.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
3 July 2016
The success of today was going almost twenty hours without a meal. I had my usual strong coffee alongside two cans of seltzer for breakfast, accompanied by a few spoonfuls of coconut oil. After reading in the morning, I put away the kids toys, vacuumed the floors and moved some boxes around in the garage. I finally made myself go to the gym to squat, press, row and run on the treadmill, after only eating a piece of cheese and some olives.
This summer I have three knife projects going: an old Sysco chef knife, a cheap paring knife I bought from Kroger's in Tennessee and an engraved Bowie-style knife that my new neighbor gave me. After removing the cheap handles from each, I was appalled at the manufacturer's manner in which they built these knives. The chef's knife isn't a full tang or hidden tang, it is half a tang, so I plan on drilling a tight hole and putting a pin through the end of the tang. The paring knife has a full tang, but is essentially hollow, with three holes for pins. So this one should be basically a regular knife handle project. The Bowie has zero tang: the handle was connected to a thin length of flattened rod that simple sits in a notch in the bottom of the blade. I was able to flattened a length of brass rod with a ball peen hammer and a grinder to fit in the notch, so I plan on using alternating small rectangles for the handle, possibly with pieces of leather from an old wallet in between, kinda like this or this.
Time to go take another vinegar bath and eat oxtail soup!
Saturday, July 2, 2016
2 July 2016
I learned today that going boating means changing out rusted lug nuts and replacing the flat tire on a trailer first. Thankfully, we had Raid, which must be a first cousin once removed to WD-40 and helped loosen the rusted bolts. After we got going, we went fishing, which could also be described as throwing shrimp lures into the water while conversing about errata.
That shiny should means I am now pink all over and ready for bed. Since it was lunch time, we did stop at a local restaurant and dined on salmon, broccoli, mashed potatoes and soup and salad. The best thing about keto is drowning your plate in butter and cheese.
Now I am tired and ready for a bath of vinegar, lavender oil and epsom salts and more wholesome television.
For dessert I attempted a chocolate coconut mousse, but my version is definitely not keto. I am using up random ingredients I have on hand, which means I used liquid coconut milk, powdered coconut milk, heavy cream, Dannon whole milk yogurt, real sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, baking chocolate, shredded coconut, cocoa powder, frozen cherries and half a packet of French Vanilla jello. Blended everything but the jello and put it in a round casserole dish and put it in the freezer. I threw the jello powder in after thinking the thing wouldn't set. It's been in the freezer for just under an hour now, so we'll see how it tastes.
Friday, July 1, 2016
1 July 2016
We celebrated Canada Day with some cheap hot dogs and cheeseburgers, which I made into lettuce wraps. It was decent and I even indulged in a Canada beer, the first beer I have consumed in almost two years. After I left, I went to pick up my repaired Stihl MS 180, just in case I wanted to turn some fallen trees into firewood this weekend. On the way, I visited a local gun shop to add to my ammunition stores and see about a holster for a revolver. After I found a block of 500 rounds, the clerk asked me if I was paying cash or charge. He beckoned me close and whispered conspiratorially, "Cash is cheaper." I thought he was going to tell me who shot Kennedy, not the fact that give a discount to folks who ignore the benefit of the float.
On the drive home, I was feeling sleepy from the beer and now I'm fantasizing about brewing specialty cups of coffee. So, I turn to my trusty pal for anything otaku and found this. I currently have a 12 cup (which always bothers me, because these machines call 5 ounces a cup, when my cup size is 12 or 18 ounces) Mr. Coffee with a thermal carafe. I use whole beans and an electric burr grinder. I used to have a French Press but after a few years use it broke in the dishwasher. I've heard great things about the Aeropress and even thought about a stovetop version, but according to this site, drip machines aren't even a viable option if I want to be considered a coffee snob. When the power went out in February, I did put my grounds in steeping bags and pour boiling water over the bags into the carafe, but that method is not recommended nor mentioned on the site linked previously. Well, now I'm sucked into the noob site so now I have ideas for the morning.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
30 June 2016
That's 700lbs he's squatting if you weren't aware. He advised me to checkout this site for meets in the area. I read this post years ago, but the notion of intermittent fasting and focusing on barbell lifts makes a lot of sense to me.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
29 June 2016
Another great recipe was this cheeseburger casserole. I added several non-low carb items to use them up, but I figured regular (albeit organic) ketchup, relish, whole milk and whole milk yogurt aren't the worst things to add.
Final product was a big cheesy, greasy and delicious mess. Tastes great cold, too.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
28 June 2016
...okay when I searched "you might be a redneck three day beard" I found this hilarious gentlemen:
He gives a just-under-two-minute refutation of the case against gender neutral bathrooms, nothing to do with safety razors (not that he uses one...). He makes some interesting points and his accent is pretty funny. Honestly, I never see anyone's parts in a public bathroom but my own, so it's hard not to agree with him.
...here's the razor and kit I bought:
So if you have an inkling, go get yourself a Van Der Hagen Traditional Safety Razor set, with an authentic boar bristle brush, soap bar and bowl. Be warned of the following:
- Keep the razors out of reach of your kids.
- Keep the soap out of reach of your kids.
- Keep the bowl and brush out of reach of your kids.
- Your shave time will increase about twenty times. When I shave my upper lip, I had to just use the tip and shaved about two hairs per stroke.
Monday, June 27, 2016
27 June 2016
...beginning to clean up...
...a better mess...
...the final product, with genuine black moldy mess under the white PVC pipe. Now I just need to clean up my hobby shop area with some shelves and maybe a pegboard.
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If you ride that wagon in the snow and say "Citizen Kane" three times, it's just like this guy. |
Sunday, June 26, 2016
26 June 2016
Tim Taylor
c/o Tool Time
P.O. Box 32733
Detroit, MI 48252
Anyway, I got the oil changed on the van and they mustachioed expert who changed my oil showed me how worn my front tires were and explained how they needed to be replaced. After much calling around to Firestone and elsewhere, I settled on Walmart's $63.00 tires with no road hazard, which, according to my kids papa is, "...another they're trying to suck money out of you..." which is what I feared. While waiting around at Walmart, I amassed $87 worth of items that I hope to never use in the event of an emergency. Lifehacker and Allstate helped me with some ideas before I purchased these items at Wally World.
Items before going in the bag for the van:
- Reflectors
- Jumper cables
- Roadside flares
- Rubber cement
- Cheap toolkit
- Gloves
- Multiple Flashlights with extra batteries
- Paracord (50 feet)
- Zip ties, large and small
- Rags
- Cheap Multitool
- First aid kit, with extra Neosporin
- Emergency blanket
- Notebook with pen
- Rags, to mask the blood
- Trash bags/ziploc bags for any pieces that need to be kept on ice
Today I finished the kit for my car and added some small hand tools.
Car problems
- Duct tape
- Masking tape
- Cleaning wipes
- Bungee cords
- Multiple screwdrivers
- Knife, el-cheapo
- Needle nose pliers
- Diagonal cutters
- Multiple flashlights
- Rubber cement
- Roadside flares
- First aid kit, extra antibiotic
- Sunglasses
- Emergency blanket
- Baby wipes
- Rags
- Compass
- Umbrella
- Allergy medication
- R2-D2 tin
It's kinda hard to see, but I added a small P-38 (nah, this one) on a clip on the bag, not in case of Messerschmitt attack, but in case of canned food. Now I just need that case of corned beef hash I've been meaning to get...